Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cake Decorating with Grandma

Grandma Beth was nice enough to let Celeste and her friend Kierstin come to her house for a couple days and learn how to decorate cakes. Grandma did an awsome job teaching them and they both had so much fun! They loved learning how to do all the different flowers and some other crafts that Grandma had them do like making fabric flowers, gift bags, and notebooks. Celeste and Kierstin have been best friends forever and were excited to find out that there Grandparents were next door neighbors in Brigham. So when they went to Grandma Beths to learn how to decorate cakes they also went to Kierstins Grandma's to say hi.

These are the flowers that they made.

These are the flowers that Kierstin made.

Celeste took this picutre of a butter fly on a flower at Kierstin's Grandmas house.

This is a ball in back of Grandma's house that was reflecting there house so Celeste took a picture of it.

This is Grandma holding up a gift bag that she made.

These are the headbands and fabric flowers they made.

Celeste and Kierstin.

These are the notebooks that they made with Grandma.

These are the flowers Celeste made.

This is a rose that Celeste did.

Thanks so much Grandma for letting us come! It was so much fun!

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