Thursday, August 12, 2010

Camping at Tony Grove!!!

After a couple of days of camping it was time for me to catch up on my beauty sleep! This is me in the morning after camping and sleeping on the hard ground for a couple of days!
It was fun going canoeing up at Tony Grove Lake! Our dog liked to try and jump out of the canoe and it was freezing at about 9:00 at night there and thats when she jumped out in the lake and I had to grab her out of the lake. She was shivering like crazy!

Dad, Paul, and Burke had alot of fun hiking up to Steamill lakes, even if they came back very sore! They are standing on a very old Steamill that was up there by the lakes.

Maggie (our dog) liked to go fishing!

We had fun fishing even if we didn't catch much!

It was cool to see a moose at our camp!

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