Saturday, December 18, 2010

Clint's broken leg

Poor Clint has had a bad year. In May, he shot himself in the foot. He had a nice hole in his toe for about 6 weeks. He started the summer with a "bang". He hobbled around on crutches for about a month. He was so glad to be done with them.

Apparently, he must have missed them because on December 3, 2010, he was hit by a snowmobile and broke his leg (femur). They did surgery and inserted a rod into his bone. He doesn't have a cast or brace. The amazing thing is that they had him up walking on it the next morning.

Many people have suggested just cutting that right leg off. He doesn't like that option so I guess the only thing left to do is ground him for the rest of his life. The most dangerous thing that he will be doing from now on will be reading an adventure novel. (In my dreams.....)

Before picture

After picture

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cake Decorating with Grandma

Grandma Beth was nice enough to let Celeste and her friend Kierstin come to her house for a couple days and learn how to decorate cakes. Grandma did an awsome job teaching them and they both had so much fun! They loved learning how to do all the different flowers and some other crafts that Grandma had them do like making fabric flowers, gift bags, and notebooks. Celeste and Kierstin have been best friends forever and were excited to find out that there Grandparents were next door neighbors in Brigham. So when they went to Grandma Beths to learn how to decorate cakes they also went to Kierstins Grandma's to say hi.

These are the flowers that they made.

These are the flowers that Kierstin made.

Celeste took this picutre of a butter fly on a flower at Kierstin's Grandmas house.

This is a ball in back of Grandma's house that was reflecting there house so Celeste took a picture of it.

This is Grandma holding up a gift bag that she made.

These are the headbands and fabric flowers they made.

Celeste and Kierstin.

These are the notebooks that they made with Grandma.

These are the flowers Celeste made.

This is a rose that Celeste did.

Thanks so much Grandma for letting us come! It was so much fun!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Maggie !!!

      Maggie turned 2 this last week. Does that make her a teenager in dog years???
                          Maggie loves...

                                  hanging out with friends

                              having a shoulder to cry on,

                              being treated like royalty,

                              taking naps,

                              taking baths,

                              hugs from cute boys,

                              just playing on the computer.

                              I guess that makes her a teenager after all.

                              Monday, September 20, 2010

                              Homecoming 2010!!!

                              Clint had a lots of fun at the homecoming dance.
                              They went skeetshooting for their day date and Kim beat all of Clints friends at shooting.

                              He took a girl named Kimberly Goodey.
                              This was half of his group that ate at our neighbors house and Celeste helped serving the food and got some pictures when they were posing for someone else. The other half of the group was at another kids house for dinner.

                              Saturday, September 4, 2010


                              Paul wakeboarding!
                              Taylor wakeboarding. Picture was taken by Dixie!
                              Bryce wakeboarding!
                              Robin wakeboarding!
                              Paul water skiing!
                              Clint wakeboarding
                              Clint getting ready to wakeboard!
                              This is me wakeboarding.

                              This is our neighbor Bret Christensen wakeboarding!

                              This is Charla and my mom talking in the boat.

                              Me and Robin boating.

                              This is me wakeboarding.

                              Burke and Bryce on the Boat!

                              Burke wakeboarding.

                              Burke the Basketball champ!

                              He shoots.................
                              ............ and.................

                              .........swoosh! He scores!

                              Burke loves basketball! He can beat anybody at basketball in our family!

                              He plays basketball about every day.

                              If we ever don't know were Burke is we just look at the Basketball court and he is there 99% of the time.

                              Bear Lake

                              This is the a view from our Condo of the lighthouse that we spent most of our time at because Amy Fielding works there. It was pretty cool. Jaci Fielding is the one in the picture.
                              This is their neighbors dog. They had a white one and a gray one. I have never seen a dog like this before, other than in movies.

                              This is our view from the Condo in Harbor Village of the rainbow.

                              This is a bike that 6 people ride that you can rent in Bear Lake. We were going to ride one but we ran out of time!

                              This is the Tabernacle in Paris.

                              This is Burke and Justin sitting on a broken bench at the Tabernacle in Paris.

                              This is Josie and Jaci Fielding, who we stayed with.