Monday, September 20, 2010

Homecoming 2010!!!

Clint had a lots of fun at the homecoming dance.
They went skeetshooting for their day date and Kim beat all of Clints friends at shooting.

He took a girl named Kimberly Goodey.
This was half of his group that ate at our neighbors house and Celeste helped serving the food and got some pictures when they were posing for someone else. The other half of the group was at another kids house for dinner.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Paul wakeboarding!
Taylor wakeboarding. Picture was taken by Dixie!
Bryce wakeboarding!
Robin wakeboarding!
Paul water skiing!
Clint wakeboarding
Clint getting ready to wakeboard!
This is me wakeboarding.

This is our neighbor Bret Christensen wakeboarding!

This is Charla and my mom talking in the boat.

Me and Robin boating.

This is me wakeboarding.

Burke and Bryce on the Boat!

Burke wakeboarding.

Burke the Basketball champ!

He shoots.................
............ and.................

.........swoosh! He scores!

Burke loves basketball! He can beat anybody at basketball in our family!

He plays basketball about every day.

If we ever don't know were Burke is we just look at the Basketball court and he is there 99% of the time.

Bear Lake

This is the a view from our Condo of the lighthouse that we spent most of our time at because Amy Fielding works there. It was pretty cool. Jaci Fielding is the one in the picture.
This is their neighbors dog. They had a white one and a gray one. I have never seen a dog like this before, other than in movies.

This is our view from the Condo in Harbor Village of the rainbow.

This is a bike that 6 people ride that you can rent in Bear Lake. We were going to ride one but we ran out of time!

This is the Tabernacle in Paris.

This is Burke and Justin sitting on a broken bench at the Tabernacle in Paris.

This is Josie and Jaci Fielding, who we stayed with.